I am a spiritual/psychic helper because I love it and it’s what I was born to do. I have always been psychic, always seen and talked with spirits, had astral flights, ET experiences, been able to sense and see auras around people and animals, and can “see” past lives and karmic patterns.
As a child, my mother, a gifted psychic and spiritual teacher, taught me Tarot, meditation, astrology, and yoga. I have dedicated my life to learning nearly every spiritual and metaphysical area i could. My studies, practice, and services have taken me to many parts of the world, including Egypt, England, Wales, Turkey, Greece, France, and Holland.
I have offered spiritual services for most of my life. Nothing brings me greater joy than helping others find clarity and resolutions to the challenges that life brings us all.
I am an astrologer, channel, psychic, tarot and crystal ball reader, energy healer, and more. In “readings,” I bring you clear and straightforward answers that have practical use in your life.
My academic field is hypnotherapy, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, but prefer to use these for spiritual ends rather than for clinical use.
Currently, I practice and teach classes and workshops in a wide variety of spiritual/esoteric, NLP, self-development arenas and offer private coaching and sessions.
I am available for private and group sessions, lectures, workshops, and classes. Please feel free to contact me with any comments or questions.
Namaste & Blessings
I’ve had a lifetime of study and spiritual experience. Starting when I was a small child, I explored the unseen worlds and out of body travel. Below is a listing of my lifetime of adventure:
- Certified Master NLP Practitioner and Trainer • Certified Master Hypnotherapist • Certified Handwriting Analyst • Master’s Degree, Clinical Psychology • Master Level Re Hu Tek/Sombukotal,tm • Fifth Degree Sei Chim Reiki • Advanced Certification in Philosoph from The Rosicrucian Fellowship, Oceanside, CA
Ministerial certifications from: • Sierra Theological Seminary, CA • Corona Light, Riverside, CA.
Additional certifications and accomplishments: • Tai Chi Instructor • Hatha Yoga • Inner Guide Meditation • Chanting & Mantras • Numerology • Astrology • Tarot • Handwriting Analysis • Natural Nutrition and Cooking • Kriya Yoga from SRF, Astara, and M H Govindan • Inner Guide Meditation, Instructor from D.O.M.E
Studied Holistic health and cooking from: Self Realization Fellowship •3HO Foundation • Macrobiotic Society, Texas • Dr. Donsbach • Dr. Paavo Airola • Gary Null • CIA Cooking School, Napa, CA
Studied spiritual disciplines from: Self Realization Fellowship • Rosicrucian Fellowship (Max Heindle) • Theosophy • Triune Foundation • Astara • White Eagle Lodge • Dr. Bonito Reyes, World University • Santa Ana Sri Sathya Sai Baba organization • Vedanta Society • Baba Sri Siva • Theosophical Society • D.O.M.E – Inner Guide Mediation
Spiritual studies include: Joel Goldsmith • Saradarian •Master Muktananda • Master Sri Shiva • Swami Ramacharaka • Ecknath Eshwaran • Ram Das • Taoism • Zen • Sufi • Hinduism • Native American • Egyptian mysticism • Leadbeater • Therapeutic and Medical Herbalism • Wiccan White Magic • Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga • and more.
Spiritual Gifts from the Universe: • Ability for astral travel from age four • ET experiences starting at age five • Psychic and healing ability from birth • Ability to see and talk with spirits from age four • Prophetic visions from age four • Complete trance channeling ability.
Lifepath Work: • Editor for Spiritualist Center of Friendship • Art Director and World Tour Leader for Astara Foundation • Co-founder, NLP Institute of Houston, Texas • Co-founder, Houston Association for Hypnotherapists • Co-Founder, Professional Hypnotist’s Guild, Texas • Co-owner, Corona Light Learning Center, Riverside, CA • Founder, MetaStudies Institute • Co-founder, Life Skills Institute • Editor, The Messenger Spiritual Newspaper
To schedule an appointment with Anita: 909 921 – 8409 or email
Currently available books and home study courses The Art of Channeling, Life Skills Institute, pub. • The Dough Also Rises –Making Great Bread, MetaStudies Institute, pub. • Into the Light—Candle Magick, MetaStudies Institute, pub. • Herbal Secrets for Health and Beauty, MetaStudies Institute, pub. • Your Soul Map, MetaStudies Institute, pub. • You Are Psychic, MetaStudies Institute, pub. • Professional Hypnosis Training–A Self-Guided Course, MetaStudies Institute, pub. • Different Strokes–a Self-Guided Handwriting Analysis Course, MetaStudies Institute, pub. • The Gods of Arkhon, Book I, Astra’s Prophecy, Metastudies Institute, pub. • Once Upon a dark and stormy night…Writing Fiction, Metastudies Institute, pub. • Certification Tarot Course–Home Study. Certification Professional Astrology Course – Home Study
Books available on Amazon.com [Allen: use this link for Amazon books https://smile.amazon.com/kindle-dbs/entity/author/B006RWUY4W?_encoding=UTF8&node=283155&offset=0&pageSize=12&searchAlias=stripbooks&sort=author-sidecar-rank&page=1&langFilter=default#formatSelectorHeader
Go to Anitaburns.net for more details about Anita’s books
Courses available at metastudies.com
Workshops, Classes, Instruction:
NLP-based subjects at hospitals, schools, and businesses in the Southern California and Texas, including: spirituality, weight control, smoking cessation, improving relationships, sales excellence, positive child rearing, influencing with integrity.
Spiritual and Metaphysical include instruction and workshops for: Tai Chi, past life regressions, channeling, meditation, yoga, UFO’s and ET’s, psychic development, and spiritual living at: Houston Community College, Chaffey College, Class Factory, Leisure Learning Unlimited, Unitarian Universalist Church, Unity Church, Church of Religious Science, Astara, YMCA, Psynetics Foundation, Learning Light Foundation, Johnson and Johnson Yoga classes for employees, and at private and civic groups in the U.S., Europe, and Egypt.
Lectured for the University of Texas Medical College and various private schools, churches, and organizations across the country on a variety of topics.
Lectured worldwide on NLP, mystical, and health subjects in Paris, France; London, Westminster, Winchester, and Glastonbury, England; Cairo, Saqqara, and Aswan, Egypt; on board the Sunline Cruise ship in the Aegean sea; Athens and Delphi, Greece; Ephesus, Turkey; Amsterdam, Holland.
Blogs: See the Blog tab on this site and go to anitaburns.wordpress.com for Confessions of a Confetti Head– all about my wild and weird life. astrologycourse.wordpress.com – Astrology Learning and Secrets.
I offer Psychic, spiritual, NLP, healthy living courses, classes, workshops, private consultations, and readings.
I also offer services for Book and ebook design, editing, ghost writing, and self-publishing assistance.
Anita Burns is a master-level NLP Programmer and trainer and Master Hypnotherapist.
She has appeared on radio and TV in Texas, Oklahoma, and California discussing NLP, and Hypnosis.
Anita received most of her training in NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis from NLP co-founders Leslie Cameron Bandler, Michael Lebeau, David Gordon, Metha Singleton, and Lynn Conwell as well as supplementary training from Richard Bandler. Anita is certified as an Advanced NLP Practitioner and Trainer from the Center for Advanced Studies in Tiburon, CA
Anita was on staff at the Center for Communication Development in Houston, Texas. She was a co-director of the Corona Light Learning Center in Riverside, CA. She co-founded the NLP Institute of Houston, Tx, and the Professional Hypnotists Guild, Houston Texas.
Anita has lectured and conducted workshops at numerous organizations including, the University of Texas Medical College, Society for Humanistic Psychology, Chaffey College, California Credit Union League, Warner Brothers Music, San Antonio Hospital, and Kiwanis International.
She is an accomplished personal growth teacher, handwriting analyst, lecturer, writer, hypnotist, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master. She is the author of books and articles and has been a frequent guest on TV & Radio.
“Knowledge of the self is the mother of all knowledge. So, it is incumbent on me to know myself, to know it completely, to know its minutiae, its characteristics, its subtleties, and its very atoms.” -Kahlil Gibran, The Philosophy of Logic
Private Consultations, Targeted programs, Certification Practitioner trainings,
Custom tailored trainings
NLP is a powerful way to know yourself inside and out, balance body, mind, and spirit, help others, transform your life into the best you can be!